Sunday, June 29, 2008

Secret Shopper Phone Check

For my first Market 4 Profit Blog post I want to get off my desk one of my pet peeves. It has to do with companies that pay marketing and PR consultants a lot of money to get their phone to ring. Then when in fact it rings, their first impression is not as glowing as all of the marketing messages we have communicated. You know what I am talking about. Either the Press 1, 2, 3, 4, and on. Or the fast talking person who says -- one moment, then you enter the blue veil of silence. The Internet has conditioned us all to expect fast connections. Anything over 7 to 10 seconds is an eternity in communication years.

Please have an independent friend or colleague secret shop your company and report back what their experience was when they made the call to your company.

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